Saturday, December 7, 2013

a heart like Mary's

  • Greet~ Thank you Father for Christmas.  For your Word.  That it is alive and still speaks to us today. 
  • Read~
     “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” 
    Then the angel left her.
    Luke 1:38
  • Observe~
    • Mary was willing to do whatever it was God asked
    • Those simple words changed her life drastically and forever
  • Write~
    What an amazing step of faith this was for Mary.  I can not even imagine how greatly this changed her life.  I am sure she had her own hope and dreams.  She was about to be married.  But she choose to leave her path and walk the unknown road God had for her.

    I hope my heart is as open and willing as Mary's.  That I will be willing to follow His leading no matter where His road takes me.

Faith Fun and the Fergusons

1 comment:

  1. 'I hope my heart is as open and willing as Mary's. That I will be willing to follow His leading no matter where His road takes me.' <--- Me too! Me Too!
