Monday, August 27, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

I think as a Bible Study group we should make at least one box together.

I have been following Operation Christmas Child on pinterest and keep seeing all kinds of cool little ideas that keep me excited.  I am hoping to also do a box with my Sunday School Class....

Last fall I also was able to put a personal face on the shoeboxes when one of my best friends (who grew up in Romania) told me she recieved the boxes as a child. 

I don't have a American standards.  And sometimes get frustrated feeling like we are bearly scraping by.  But truthfully we are so very blessed.  Even if it seems small to me, it maybe huge to somebody else... this Christmas time I want to share a little light...even small lights shine brightly in the dark...


Our first Women of Grace study will be
Wednesday Sept 12, 9:30 am
@ Amy's House
We will be beginning 
God Loves Broken People (& those who pretend they're not)
by Shelia Walsh

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Study

The summer is just flying by...

We had a great picnic on Wednesday.  We were able to relax under the nice shady trees in my lovely backyard.  This was my first opportunity to host such an event and very much enjoyed doing so.  I am so happy we even had a new friend join us.  It is always great together and share and chat and just be friends.

We talked a bit about our new Study on Wednesday.  We are going to be doing God Loves Broken People by Shelia Walsh.  We will be starting either the first or second week of September.  I am thinking about the 5th since it is the first day of school and I know I will be needing a distraction as my baby heads off to Kindergarten! {sniff, sniff}. 

The book is not required.  It would be helpful if you want to read the book in its entirety.  But we will be reading snippets of it at study, as well as a lot of Bible.

I just checked online and at CBD as well as Amazon.
I would also be happy to put it an order for the group and get them all at once.  But that will need to be done fairly quickly as September will be upon us before we know it!