Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We had a great study today. :) I can't seem to say enough how thankful I am for the members of this little Bible study.  I am thankful we can share our joys, our sorrows, our fears, our true hearts.

Today we covered Chapter 11...we are getting really close to the end of the book! It's time to start thinking about what we will start studying after Christmas. :) Bring any ideas you have next time.  We will be meeting at Ellen's.

Today we talked about Paul.

"Perhaps through this study you have been able to be more open with yourself and God about your wounds, whether brought about through your own mistakes or through living in a fallen world.  Our wounds can truly be a blessing in disguise."

Read Acts 9:1-19
  1. How does the story open up in verses 1-2?  What was Saul (later called Paul) doing?
  2. Clearly, we see that Saul felt confident with his ancestral faith.  He didn't realize his own need for a Savior and was spiritually blind to the condidtion of his soul.  Think back to a time when you were not aware of your spiritual depravity.  How did God expose it to you?
  3. Review verses 4-7  After the light from heaven fell on Saul, what did Jesus say to him?  How did Saul respond?
  4. Review verses 10-19.  God had supplied the right Christians to be around Paul in his time of need.  what was Ananias's first reaction in reaching out to Paul?
  5. God uses other believers to help us see our brokenness.  We all need a safe place to heal and be vulnerable.  When has God provided you the right friend at the right time to help you "see" better?
  6. Paul's conversion story illustrates our complete dependence on God.  Even though Paul was deceived, God showed mercy and met him on the Damascus Road, shattering his spiritual blindness.  Paul didn't deserve the miracle -- Jesus came to him anyway.  Think about someone in your life who you know doesn't even realize she is broken, in need of Jesus.  How can you be Ananias to her?
    (God loves Broken People, pp204, 205)

    Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.  Galations 6:2  ESV

     “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
    Matthew 11:28-30 The Message
It is important to share with others your struggles.  Its important to know we are not alone.  You never know who you might encourage simply by being willing to share your story.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Advent Devo Series

Hard to believe the Christmas season is upon us already!  Looking for something to help you keep your focus on Jesus?  I came across this devotional series on Pinterest. I was particularly happy to see that this weeks focus is HOPE.  I feel like I could use a little hope this week. :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Women of Grace Christmas Party

Come and celebrate Christmas with us. :)

Wednesday December 19, 10 am
at Amy's

We will be doing...
.... a cookie exchange (Let me know by DEC 2, if you want to participate in the cookie exchange)
.... an ornament exchange (bring a wrapped ornament if you care to participate)
.... bring a snack to share

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Something Bigger

Chapter 10: Called to Something Bigger

"Our walk with God is Full of paradoxes.  The worst day can end up being the best day.  Sometimes darkness helps us see God's light all the more.  God even used the darkest and foul places to reveal His truth and beauty."
  1. Think of a dark experience or place.  How did God show up unexpectedly for you?  Were you able to discern that He was there right away or after it was over?
    Read Matthew 15:21-28
  2. How does Jesus respond to her request at first?  How did the disciples respond?
  3. Though He was in Gentile territory and healed other gentiles why did Jesus make a point to tell her He came for the lost sheep of Israel?
  4. According to verse 25, what was this Gentile woman's reaction to Jesus response?
  5. Sometimes we compare our level of brokenness with others and convince ourselves, Well I can't reach out to this person; he is just too far gone to help.  Jesus proves throughout Scripture that there is no darkness that he can not expel.  No situation or place is void of His presence.  How does the Canaanite women's faith clearly penetrate the darkness of her lineage?

    "When Jesus speaks in verse 28, He speaks with great conviction and emotion: "women, you have great faith!"  The text says her daughter was healed at that very hour.  After this, Matthew reveals more and more miracles Jesus preforms for Gentiles.  The blessings begin to clearly flow for both Jew and Gentile."
  6. Pray and read. Read Ephesians 3:3-4 and write out what it means in your own words.
  7. Pray and study. Read 2 Timothy 2:15 and write out what it means in your own words.
  8. Pray and ransack. Read Proverbs 2:3-5 and write out what it means in your own words.
  9. Pray and think. Read 2 Timothy 2:7 and write out what it means in your own words.
    "When we truly embrace the darkness that surrounds us, our own brokeness doesn't have to be something we are afraid of.  God can handle it, and there is freedom wgen we let go of trying to compensate for what we lack.  We need to exercise our faith in Him, not in us.  Write down something in your life you know weighs down on you."
  10. Close this study by writing out your prayer of faith.  Take comfort in the fact you can start with "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief! (Mark 9:24 NKJV) End with words of belief that He is setting you free.
(God Loves Broken People, pp 202-203)

We will not meet next WED for Thanksgiving Break, we will meet the following wed (26th) at Amy's.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


We had a great study yesterday.  Lots of sharing, encouraging and prayer.  I am truly thankful for my wonderful friends that make up this little group.

We talked a bit about our church.  About the struggle that can go on, on Sunday Mornings.  How the devil loves to keep us from attending Church or even distracted enough that though we were there we leave feeling disconnected and empty.  The latter has been me lately.  I shared my struggles with the group yesterday.  I love teaching the k-1 Sunday school class...and truly feel that it is my place.  But I miss being part of a adult Sunday School class as well....yet am not sure where I fit anymore.

But as we studied yesterday it all come down to choices.  We need to be in the Word, and seeking God's guidance in every aspect of our lives...not just the big ones.  He longs to be apart of every moment of our days.

In our study we talked about Job.  He was definitely a man with struggles, I can not even fathom the pain he must have endured.  And yet he remained faithful to God...even though all others seemingly abandoned him.

Chapter 9 Nothing to Protect, Nothing to Lose

"Choice is something God gives us, and sometimes we do choose our own way, thinking it will keep us from suffering.  But usually it means we miss out on a blessing God has for us.
Think about a time you willfully chose to go your own way and later saw the missed blessing.  How did this impact your relationship with God?"
Read through the scriptures below that ask us to make a choice toward God's ways.  Which one are you choosing to do today, though it maybe hard?
  •  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Galatians 6:9
  • Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15
  •  Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.  Hebrews 4:16
  • Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.  Hebrews 10:23
  • Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name.  Hebrews 13:15

"To state the purpose of the book of Job in one statement is difficult, as it is multifaceted.  We see a look at reality that is much like our world; broken people responding to suffering; an honest man trying to submit to the will of God; the reality of Satan trying to discourage us and keep us from God's plan; and how humanity can clash with God's divine purposes.  Job also illustrates that though we are often sinful, weak and ignorant, we can be upright and purely devoted to God in the midst of adversity."

Read Job 1 
  1. What do we learn about Job's life in verses 1-5?
  2. How do we know from verse 6 that God rules over all of evel?
  3. How does God describe Job to Satan (v. 8)?
  4. What losses does Job experience through the hand of Satan?
  5. How does Job respond to his troubles, according to verse 20?
  6. When we experience profound suffering, our natural tendency is to find someone to blame.  Do you tend to blame yourself, others or God?
"My prayer is that you are finding it easier to embrace the reality of the brokenness in your own life.  We don't have to fear it because God is using it all to draw us near to Him."

How is God using your brokenness to set you free?

God uses broken things.  It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength.  It is the broken alabaster box that gives froth perfume.  It is Peter weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever. 
Streams in the Desert-- p 113 

Next WED we will be at Magda's. :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Holloween Grace

Isn't it funny that this chapter actually fell on Halloween! ;P
We met at Ellen's, three of us gathered.  We spent a lot of time sharing, talking, praying.  I am so thankful for my sisters in Christ.  I am thankful for the time each week we can spend together in person. The time we lift each other in prayer.  The txts we share through out the week.  Knowing we are connected, when we are sturggling there is someone to pray, to lift us up.  When we are happy; there is someone to rejoice with us!

This chapter was a little hard, definitely thought provoking; with lots of discussion

Chapter 8: Fierce Love and Halloween Grace
God's love is a topic that can not be exhausted.  As we grown in our walk with Him, we will discover more and more how big and fierce his love is for us.  And all of us experience His love in different ways because as broken people, we all need a different touch. 
Personally, I love how God reaches out and meets each of us where we are.
  1. Describe your understanding of God's love for you.  Try and use words that communicate your personal experience, not just what you know from Scripture. It is almost as if there are no words.   We all had a really had time describing God's Love in words.  There are no adequate words.   I love though how God always seems to give us exactly what we need.  I have been struggling with worry for our finances and such.  In my devo that day I saw the key verse for November was Philippians 4:19... And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. For me it was reassuring and confirmation that God was aware of where we are and what we need.

  2. What imagery come to mind when you think about the phrase "unconditional love" used to describe God's Love for us.

    "I worry that by constantly using the phrase-- and seldom explaining what we mean by it-- we've robbed it of its orginial forse.  People today tend to think that when they sin against the Lord, He'll respond, "It;s okay, don't worry about it.  I'll love you anyway", when I think He really responds with something more like, "I'll love you forever, and that's why it's not okay." (
    pp. 92)

    God's Love cannot be fully comprehended.  His love often leaves us confused for a time.  One for the hardest passages for believers and nonbelievers alike is the story of Abraham and Isaac.Read Genesis 22:1-14
  3.   As you reflect on this passage, know that Abraham was also in the dark as he followed God to Mount Moriah.  How does this passage leave you in the dark?  It seems so cruel and heartless for God to tell him to sacrifice his son. His only son, that God had given him as a promise.  Also today the act of child sacrifice is inconceivable to us. 

  4. There are three strong imperatives from God in this story: "Take," "go" and "sacrifice him".  In what ways did these words stretch Abraham beyond what he thought he could bear?  Does God explain why?  I think he must have been confused and sacred.  And yet he follows God's direction the very next day and sets off on his journey with Isaac.

  5. What did Abraham learn about God's love through his trust in God? That God would provide and take care of him.

    In the darkest hours of Abraham's life, he is able to say, "the Lord will provide" in a way he had never known before. 
  6. Abraham named the site of the alter, Yahweh-Yireh.  What does it mean (see v 14)?  The Lord will Provide
We have many examples in the Bible of broken people who endured profound suffering. Hebrews 11 is full of such people.  As you read through the list, you maybe aware of their major mess ups and character flaws.  Yet God used them in mighty ways to reveal His goodness....

Draw a "road" that God took you on where all you could do is trust.  yours might have been more than a three-day trek like Abraham's; maybe you have been a few years on this unknown road.  Mark it with symbols to show "the Lord provided" in ways you did not expect.  What would you name the final destination?