Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Something Bigger

Chapter 10: Called to Something Bigger

"Our walk with God is Full of paradoxes.  The worst day can end up being the best day.  Sometimes darkness helps us see God's light all the more.  God even used the darkest and foul places to reveal His truth and beauty."
  1. Think of a dark experience or place.  How did God show up unexpectedly for you?  Were you able to discern that He was there right away or after it was over?
    Read Matthew 15:21-28
  2. How does Jesus respond to her request at first?  How did the disciples respond?
  3. Though He was in Gentile territory and healed other gentiles why did Jesus make a point to tell her He came for the lost sheep of Israel?
  4. According to verse 25, what was this Gentile woman's reaction to Jesus response?
  5. Sometimes we compare our level of brokenness with others and convince ourselves, Well I can't reach out to this person; he is just too far gone to help.  Jesus proves throughout Scripture that there is no darkness that he can not expel.  No situation or place is void of His presence.  How does the Canaanite women's faith clearly penetrate the darkness of her lineage?

    "When Jesus speaks in verse 28, He speaks with great conviction and emotion: "women, you have great faith!"  The text says her daughter was healed at that very hour.  After this, Matthew reveals more and more miracles Jesus preforms for Gentiles.  The blessings begin to clearly flow for both Jew and Gentile."
  6. Pray and read. Read Ephesians 3:3-4 and write out what it means in your own words.
  7. Pray and study. Read 2 Timothy 2:15 and write out what it means in your own words.
  8. Pray and ransack. Read Proverbs 2:3-5 and write out what it means in your own words.
  9. Pray and think. Read 2 Timothy 2:7 and write out what it means in your own words.
    "When we truly embrace the darkness that surrounds us, our own brokeness doesn't have to be something we are afraid of.  God can handle it, and there is freedom wgen we let go of trying to compensate for what we lack.  We need to exercise our faith in Him, not in us.  Write down something in your life you know weighs down on you."
  10. Close this study by writing out your prayer of faith.  Take comfort in the fact you can start with "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief! (Mark 9:24 NKJV) End with words of belief that He is setting you free.
(God Loves Broken People, pp 202-203)

We will not meet next WED for Thanksgiving Break, we will meet the following wed (26th) at Amy's.

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