Chapter 8: Trusting God with Your Fear
A couple quotes that popped out at me in this chapter:
"...whatever God calls me to do, he has already equipped me to do it."
"When Jesus looks into the heart of a man or woman he sees all of who were are and all of who we will become in him by trusting and taking the next step."Read Judges 6:7-10
- God reminded the Israelites of his goodness to them. If that passage were written to you, what are some things God has done that he would have called for you to remember?
We all can name so many things God has done for us. From simple every day things, just seeing us through each day. To big things like for me personally, our house and reviving our marriage.
- Rewrite these verses in your own words and then commit these verses to memory.
- You are going about your daily routine and you are greeted by an angel saying, "God is with your mighty warrior?" How would that make you feel?
We kinda laughed at this question but honestly wouldn't that make you feel empowered? Like you could do anything?!? - We don't have experiences like that very often, so how do you know God is with you?
This kinda lead us back into the whole 1000 Gifts discussion. How just looking for the "gifts" all around us lead us to be more joyful. More secure. To see God's hand all around us. I urged everyone to start making a list if they were not already. To count at least three things everyday and to write them down. It is such a joy to the posting on Facebook of their gifts. It is so easy to get caught in the negative downward spiral. But if you just stop and look. And think about what you are thinking... there are so many gifts, all around. Big and Small. It is hard to change the way you are thinking/feeling sometimes. But it can be done. With God nothing is impossible. He is with you.
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