Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Week 2

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Here is week two's verse. For more information look here

Another advent study option I have been doing and enjoying is the Good Morning Girls Advent Study. :)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

a heart like Mary's

  • Greet~ Thank you Father for Christmas.  For your Word.  That it is alive and still speaks to us today. 
  • Read~
     “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” 
    Then the angel left her.
    Luke 1:38
  • Observe~
    • Mary was willing to do whatever it was God asked
    • Those simple words changed her life drastically and forever
  • Write~
    What an amazing step of faith this was for Mary.  I can not even imagine how greatly this changed her life.  I am sure she had her own hope and dreams.  She was about to be married.  But she choose to leave her path and walk the unknown road God had for her.

    I hope my heart is as open and willing as Mary's.  That I will be willing to follow His leading no matter where His road takes me.

Faith Fun and the Fergusons

Friday, December 6, 2013

Advent Study

I stumbled upon this online group. Now I can't even remember how. But it intrigued me and seemed simple enough...

G R O W in His Word
  • Greet- prayer to God, inviting Him into your study
  • Read the verses over to yourself, a few times
  • Observe- what speaks to you in this verse
  • Write out observations and prayer for this verse.
You can get more info here at Faith, Fun & the Fergusons.  They also have a facebookgroup, which I have joined.

I just thought maybe this would be a nice way to reconnect as a group this holiday season.  Or if you were not part of our previous Bible Study feel free to join in. :)  If you have a blog you could post there, or on our WoG Facebook group, or join the GROW in His Word Facebook group :)  If you would like to post here, let me know.  Perhaps I can add you as an author on this blog.

I am sorry its a bit late in the week.  This has been one crazy week, and this kind of got pushed to the back burner.  If you see this and are interested, could you leave a comment and let me know. :)

Also thinking about forming some kind of fitness/accountability group after the New Year.  Let me know your thoughts or interest on that subject as well.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer Schedule

Here is the tentative dates of when we will be meeting for the rest off the summer:
  • July 15, 7:30 pm- My house
    Chapter 10- Is It Ever Too Late To Start Again?
  • July 22, off (taking teens to camp)
  • July 29, 7:30 pm My house
    Chapter 11- Trusting god When You Have a Lot to Loose
  • Aug 5, off (Wesleyan Women Picnic)
  • Aug 12, off (VBS)
  • Aug 19, 7:30 My House
    Chapter 12- Trusting God with your Journey
And that's it! :D We will take the rest of August off and maybe the first couple weeks of Sept.  We will hopefully come back strong in the fall.  Maybe switching it up.  Do Monday nights seem to work? Would another night or place be better?

Looking at Stormie Omartian's new book for our first fall study.  Check it out, let me know what you think :)

Prayer Warrior: The Power of Praying Your Way to   Victory  -     
        By: Stormie Omartian

Friday, July 5, 2013

He IS with You

Our DD Bible Study was wildly successful.  With exception of the wicked loud background music that left us straining to hear one another. ;P  But the evening meeting turned out to be a great time.  We even were able to pick up to "former" members of our group who had been unable to attend lately during the day.  A definite plus!

Chapter 8: Trusting God with Your Fear

A couple quotes that popped out at me in this chapter:
"...whatever God calls me to do, he has already equipped me to do it."
"When Jesus looks into the heart of a man or woman he sees all of who were are and all of who we will become in him by trusting and taking the next step."
Read Judges 6:7-10
  • God reminded the Israelites of his goodness to them.  If that passage were written to you, what are some things God has done that he would have called for you to remember?
    We all can name so many things God has done for us.  From simple every day things, just seeing us through each day.  To big things like for me personally, our house and reviving our marriage.
Read Proverbs 3:5-7
  • Rewrite these verses in your own words and then commit these verses to memory.
  • You are going about your daily routine and you are greeted by an angel saying, "God is with your mighty warrior?" How would that make you feel? 
    We kinda laughed at this question but honestly wouldn't that make you feel empowered?  Like you could do anything?!?
  • We don't have experiences like that very often, so how do you know God is with you?
    This kinda lead us back into the whole 1000 Gifts discussion.  How just looking for the "gifts" all around us lead us to be more joyful.  More secure.  To see God's hand all around us.  I urged everyone to start making a list if they were not already.  To count at least three things everyday and to write them down.  It is such a joy to the posting on Facebook of their gifts.  It is so easy to get caught in the negative downward spiral.  But if you just stop and look.  And think about what you are thinking... there are so many gifts, all around.  Big and Small.  It is hard to change the way you are thinking/feeling sometimes.  But it can be done.  With God nothing is impossible.  He is with you.
Next Week: Monday night 7:30 pm MY house...chapter 9- Trusting God with Your Dreams

Sunday, June 30, 2013

DD anyone?

We will be meeting tomorrow night at the Chitt DD :D 7:30-8ish

We will be covering chapter 8...maybe discussing ideas for the rest of the summer and the fall.

We have 5 chapters left.  We may meet sporadically but I would really like to finish up the book over the summer.

Come on out and join us. :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Where Do We Go From Here??????

Our little group has been on a bit of a hiatus.  I started my new job as church administrator.  Leaving little time for Bible Study. :( This makes me sad and I am realizing again how much a cherish our group.  Not just for the fellowship but also for the accountability, being stretched, growing. 

The past two weeks I have missed it.  I checked the blog realizing I never even posted after our last meeting which seems like eons ago.  So  much has happened, do much has changed in my life.  I picked up the study book this morning, flipping though our last chapter. We are about midway through our "Beautiful Things" Study. We need to finish.  Find a time and finish.  Then go from there.  Perhaps the fall will bring more changes.  We are thinking about maybe moving to an evening study.

Here are some thoughts, observations and such from chapter 7--The Life of Christ in Us
Some of the most influential people are quiet, never standing on a stage or in a spotlight, never directing companies of thousands or managing caches of millions.  By that same token, some of the greatest legacies are simple-- not the great empire built or outstanding records set, but the laughter given, passion spent, and compete love and trust left.
(Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God, pp 98)
Read Psalm 16
  • How would you characterize the mood of the psalmist as he wrote these words?
  • On a scale of 1-10, with being the highest, rate the psalmist's trust in God
  • Using the same scale, rate your trust in God
  • Explain the difference
  • Review verses 9-11 and rewrite them as your expression of your trust in God.  Be completely honest as you express your trust.
When we have and an encounter with the risen Christ, and he transforms our lives, he changes our hearts too.  We want to serve, love and show mercy-- these things are evidence of a maturing faith, especially when the things that move the Son of God move our hearts too. (pp 109)
  • Does your life refelct the transformational power of Christ?  Do you want to serve, love and show mercy?
  • Summarize the instructions of Psalm 16 by completing the following statement:
    Because the psalmist said_____________________________________ I will _____________________.
  • Now write a prayer expressing your desire to trust God even when the circumstances seem impossible.  Use this prayer as part of your daily time with God and as an expression of your desire to follow him even when the path is uncertain.
Confession time...I feel like I should have been doing this.  Rereading this scripture and this chapter everyday of the past couple weeks.  It is important to keep your eyes on Christ and not on the uncertainty all around.   I know that He can and will see me through...after all... Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God!

Our next meeting time and place is yet to be determined.   We shall come up with a plan ASAP.  Suggestions and ideas welcome!   Maybe even an late evening study out at DD ;)

Chapter 8 is Trusting God With Your Fear.

On a Side note: Jess made the most delicious soft pretzels for our snack! You can check out the recipe here.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


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Read 1 John 3:1-3

  • Describe the depth of God's love for his children
    One word. Lavish.  The definition of lavish is this- to expend or give in great amounts or without limit: That's God's love for us.  Continually pouring out on us.  It never ends.  It pours out on us.  Overflowing.
  • What is the hope we have (verse 3)? We are purified.  He makes us new. No matter what we have done.  God Can turn it all around.  Make us into a completely new person.  Set us on his track.  Accomplish mighty feats through us.  Just look at Saul/Paul.  He went from killing and persecuting Christians to being one of the ultimate Christian examples. (Acts 9)
  • Paul was given a new name, a new purpose and a reassigned passion.  What do you think God is doing in your life right now?  What does God want to do through your life?
(Beautiful Things Happen When a Women Trusts God, pp 249-251)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fitting In

This week we covered Chapter 3 The Hunger To Belong.

People were not made to be alone.  We all long for companionship.  I can well remember the days of feeling like an outsider.  Wishing and hoping to belong.  Thankfully these days, I face that struggle less.  Although it does still rear its ugly head.  Friday I got a little taste of it.  It was not pleasant, but I think served as a reminder to me of -a- how far I have come and -b- to perhaps be on the lookout for "lonely" people specifically women who may need a friend.  To be that person I used to wish would come alongside me.

It's risky to be known but it is what we were made for and anything less is not freedom.  You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.  It is a promise.  (Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God, p 240).
You have sent widows away empty,
And the strength of the fatherless was crushed.
Therefore snares are all around you,

And sudden fear troubles you,
 Job 22:9-10 NKJV

  • Describe a time when your words have been similar to the words in the verse above.
    Sometimes I feel like I always feel that way.  It is so easy to get discouraged and see nothing is getting better.  To fear you will always be in that place.
Read John 8:31-36

We talked about how it is important to be transparent with others.  Sometimes simply knowing another person is going through the same situation is all the encouragement you need.  To know you are not alone is a powerful thing.  You help one another and there is hope in knowing that others have made it through.

Its also important to be transparent before God.  I think He waits for us to be honest to call to him with an open albeit hurting heart.  THEN He can help us to truly heal.

Jesus already knows everything about you.  He loves you because of and in spite of it.  He will welcome you with open arms.  No matter what you have done.  Or where you are.  He loves you.

Things to think about~ (Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God, p 242).
  • God knows everything about you and loves you.  What is keeping you from trusting him with your past and following him?
  • Describe a spiritual breakthrough you would like to experience right now.
  • Summarize the instructions of John 8:31-36 by completing the following statement:
    Because Jesus said______________________________ I will__________________________.
  • Now write a prayer asking God to give you the breakthrough you described above.  Keep praying and believing God for the answer as you spend time with him in the days to come.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

See I am Doing a New Thing...

Today we started our "Beautiful Things" Bible Study.  It felt so good to be back around the table.  To be praying and studying God's Word with my friends.  To have a *new* friend join us! {Welcome, welcome Abby! I am so glad you were here!}

I had thought {foolishly} that perhaps we could cover two chapters a week.  Thus finishing up our study before summer really set in.  I realized today as we talked, prayed, shared our heart, struggles and triumphs that we will just go at whatever pace suits.  You can't put God in a box or on your timetable. ;~P

We covered chapter One today- Why Am I So Afraid?

This is the way God works.
    Over and over again
He pulls our souls back from certain destruction
so we’ll see the light—and live in the light!
Job 33:29-30 MSG

Read Joshua 1:1-9

Things we took note of~
  • How many times God repeatedly told Joshua to be courageous.  Three times at least in this brief passage.  WHY?? Probably because just like us Joshua worried and fretted and trembled with fear instead of firmly resting in power of God.
  • Verse 5: As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.  We talked about how we can learn and be encouraged by seeing those around us who have gone through similar circumstances.  How if God saw them through; He will be with us as well.  And in turn we will be that light and encouragement to those that come after us.
  • Verse 7 & 8: Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.  Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.  We must follow God's Word.  He will Show us His way.  He will make us strong, courageous, prosperous and successful if we are following His Word.
  • We talked about times we have been courageous, times we needed more courage; things we are going through now that "cause our hearts to race and emotions to spin out of control." (Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God, pp237).
Things to think about; journal this week:
  • Consider your present situation; rewrite Joshua 1:1-9 as if God were speaking directly to YOU.  What instructions would He give?  How many times would He repeat those instructions.
  • What do you need to change in your life so you can be more focused on God and less focused on the situation.
  • Write a prayer expressing your desires.  Throughout the coming week use this prayer has part of your conversation with God.
    (From the Chap 1 Bible study guide on p 237)

Next week we will meet at Jessica's.  We will be covering Chapter 2; An Open Door.

I would still like to perhaps take turns leading, if anyone is interested.  If you would like to lead study next week FB me, email me, txt me, talk to me on Sunday...whatever.

I will be praying for you this week.  Be Blessed my friends.

A little bonus...our snack today Snickerdoodle Scones! I found this recipe via pinterest on Sweet Pea's Kitchen. It is delectable, and one I plan to make again and again!
snickerdoodle scones photo DSCN1131_zpsfccc2061.jpg 

For the Scones:
1/2 cup sour cream
1 large egg
2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup unsalted butter

For the Cinnamon/Sugar Topping:
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

For the Spiced Glaze:
1 cup plus 3 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.
In a small bowl, whisk together sour cream and egg; refrigerate until needed.
In a separate small bowl, make the cinnamon/sugar topping be stirring together the sugar and cinnamon; set aside.
In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade, pulse together the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cream of tartar, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg until combined about five 1-second pulses. Add butter and toss with a fork to cover in flour mixture. Pulse until mixture looks like coarse cornmeal flecked with pea-sized bits of butter, about 10 to 12 pulses. Transfer mixture to a large mixing bowl.
Add sour cream mixture to flour mixture; fold with spatula until just combined. With rubber spatula, transfer dough to lightly floured work surface. Knead dough 6 to 8 times, until it just holds together. Shape into an 8-inch circle. Sprinkle with cinnamon topping. With a sharp knife or pizza cutter, cut the dough into 8 wedges.
Place wedges on prepared baking sheet and bake 15 to 18 minutes until golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
While the scones are cooling, make the spiced glaze. Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix until you achieve a thick icing. Drizzle over scones and serve.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


No picnic today due to a plethora of unforeseen circumstances. :( From sick kids, to painting/moving prep to Dr's appointments to busyness and tardiness and errands to run.

Too bad, it is a beautiful day for a picnic.

Next week we will begin out new Study.  If you can get yourself a copy of the book.  Read the first two chapters for discussion.

We will meet next Wednesday, May 1 at my house 9:30 am.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Almost Time!

One more week!  Next week is our Picnic!  Are you interested in joining us!  We have a great lil group.

We first began our group way back in beginning of 2008.  We began as simply an accountability and encouragement group.  We were a bunch of Stay at Home Moms.  With a slew of preschoolers.  Our meetings were crazy and chaotic.  Sometimes I miss those days!  We helped each other through some tough times.  We shared joys and sorrows.  We formed friendships that will never be broken.

Our group has changed.  Members have come and gone.  Its hard to change sometimes. A lot of times.  But that's what makes us who we are.

We are embarking on a new path.  Starting a new study.  Trust.  I am not sure where we are headed.  Its hard to Trust.  Perhaps that's why this study seemed so perfect for right now.  I am excited about the future.  About the new things God is doing in our church.  Our group. And in my life.

I'd like to invite you to join us!  We are kicking off our new study with a picnic next Wednesday.  For more information click here.

Here's what to expect:
  • Accountability in devo time: this is the reason we began our group.  To encourage each other to spend time each day with God.  It doesn't have to be long.  But it'd be great if you could share something, anything God showed you that week.  You never know how what you learned might help someone else.
  • Prayer Time sharing of praises and requests.  Praying together out loud.
  • Getting into the Word Covering two Chapter in our new Bible Study book.
  • It would be really helpful if you read the chapters and discussion questions a head of time.  I hope we can take turns "leading".
  • Remember all this is strictly voluntary. ;) I refuse to put anyone on the spot.  You can share as much or as little as you like.
  • Last Wednesday of the month {hopefully} a fellowship get together like a picnic, etc...
*I feel silly saying this, I feel like it should go without saying however please remember things shared in the group should stay in the group.*

What to bring:
  • the Book {if you have it}
  • journal
  • a open, willing spirit 
I am working on putting together my Bible Study Basket ;) It will have extra Pens, journals, highlighters and the like :)

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

You Are Invited!

We will be getting together for a picnic. :) 
Wednesday, April 24th at NOON at Sullivan Park in Chittenango.
Please bring your own picnic lunch.
In case of rain or other bad weather we will move the location to Amy's house. 
Contact Amy LaForte for more information. :)

Please join us for this time of fellowship and our upcoming Bible Study. 
Invite a friend to join us as well.

We will begin our NEW study the following week May 1.
Our new study will be "Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God", by Sheila Walsh

The book can be purchased for $5 or less used on amazon or $14.50 NEW or $9.99 for the Kindle version.  I would encourage everyone to have their own book but it is not required.

We are planning to change things up a bit this time.  My hope is that we will all take part in leading.  That each week a different person will "lead", again I stress this will be completely voluntary.  I would never put anyone on the spot and would certainly not want to scare anyone away from the group!  However, I also feel this will help us all take more ownership and be more invested in our group.

Another new thing. I would like to encourage each of you to choose a prayer partner. Someone you feel comfortable with but yet will challenge you to grow. Someone to meet with each week. To pray with, encourage and share with. Could be someone else in our group. Or not, someone to mentor or be mentored by. Ask God to show you the right person for you.=)

This study is projected to be 6{ish} weeks.  The book is 12 chapters and this way we will finish up before summer hits.  =) That being said we are thinking of keeping the last Wednesday of the month as a fellowship/social time.  Even throughout the summer.  We would like to have at least one get together a month this summer, to check in, see how everyone is doing and generally enjoy one each others company.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beautiful Things

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We are on a little break. Two weeks ago we finished up our study of Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts.  We continue to count away.  Posting our gifts via either Facebook or our personal blogs. :) It has been a gift in and of itself reading the gifts the other girls have counted.

Deciding which path to take next has not been easy.  I have struggled {continue to struggle} with leading.  I feel so inadequate, I feel like I am trying to do everything and in actuality accomplishing nothing.

I have started reading Beautiful Things Happen When a Women Trusts God  by Sheila Walsh.  So far I am definitely intrigued.  I have felt God whispering to my soul as I read the pages.  I know too, that each of us in the group currently have trials, struggles, changes.  Things we need to lay at Jesus feet.  No matter how big or small.  Myself, I feel like I am coming to a crest in my path.  I am not sure what is on the other side.  Although I am somewhat trepidatious, I am also excited about the future God is leading me into.

So stand by.  We hopefully will be reconvening in a couple weeks.  We are talking of perhaps having a little kick off picnic to start off our spring.

If you are interested in joining us, contact me and I will be happy to let you know when and where we will be meeting. =)

 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19 NIV

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Today was supposed to be our first 1000 Gifts study. But alas its been postponed due to a sick kid.  Good news is Ryan is much better...and I am already wondering if he should have been sent back to school today. ;P


I have begun my 1000 Gifts devo, as well as my list of Gifts for 2013. =) I am enjoying the devotional very much (Thanks Mom!).  I find myself going back and re reading the mornings devotional again at bedtime.  This little excerpt from the one I read this morning resonated with my soul.
"Now could be an alter.  This time could be a tabernacle.
In God, there is no time, only eternity-- or more simply, only now.  His name is I AM.  Here-- wherever my feet are-- is where I can love Him." (One Thousand Gifts Devotional, pp 41).
I am trying not too rush.  Not to stress.  To trust.  Yesterday I had a moment.  I was at work.  I was feeling a little stressed since the boy was home sick....and the Mister stayed home with him (& not me...the mommy).  It was getting late and well past lunch time.  I was feeling frazzled and tired and hungry.  I was having trouble with a particularly large transaction...and of course mulitple coupons that the register didn't seem to want to cooperate.  (Happily it wasn't just me...my manager had just has many issues).  After this lady's transaction was complete he released me to go to lunch.  I got back to the bathroom fighting tears.  Berating myself for not being in control.  But then I slipped into the break room.  Popped my lunch into the microwave.  Txt my best friend.  Pulled out my little Bible from my purse.  I let His peace wash over me.  I read my key verse over and over until the truth of the words soaked into my very soul.

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 16:11
I went back to work refreshed. Thankful God does hear our prays.  Answers us, and will fill us with His Joy.

Next week (Jan 16) we will meet at Ellen's. =)  We will begin One Thousand Gifts then. =)  In the meantime start counting your gifts!

Have a Joy- filled day.

PS I have TWO Women of Grace journals still up for grabs...