Wednesday, April 24, 2013


No picnic today due to a plethora of unforeseen circumstances. :( From sick kids, to painting/moving prep to Dr's appointments to busyness and tardiness and errands to run.

Too bad, it is a beautiful day for a picnic.

Next week we will begin out new Study.  If you can get yourself a copy of the book.  Read the first two chapters for discussion.

We will meet next Wednesday, May 1 at my house 9:30 am.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Almost Time!

One more week!  Next week is our Picnic!  Are you interested in joining us!  We have a great lil group.

We first began our group way back in beginning of 2008.  We began as simply an accountability and encouragement group.  We were a bunch of Stay at Home Moms.  With a slew of preschoolers.  Our meetings were crazy and chaotic.  Sometimes I miss those days!  We helped each other through some tough times.  We shared joys and sorrows.  We formed friendships that will never be broken.

Our group has changed.  Members have come and gone.  Its hard to change sometimes. A lot of times.  But that's what makes us who we are.

We are embarking on a new path.  Starting a new study.  Trust.  I am not sure where we are headed.  Its hard to Trust.  Perhaps that's why this study seemed so perfect for right now.  I am excited about the future.  About the new things God is doing in our church.  Our group. And in my life.

I'd like to invite you to join us!  We are kicking off our new study with a picnic next Wednesday.  For more information click here.

Here's what to expect:
  • Accountability in devo time: this is the reason we began our group.  To encourage each other to spend time each day with God.  It doesn't have to be long.  But it'd be great if you could share something, anything God showed you that week.  You never know how what you learned might help someone else.
  • Prayer Time sharing of praises and requests.  Praying together out loud.
  • Getting into the Word Covering two Chapter in our new Bible Study book.
  • It would be really helpful if you read the chapters and discussion questions a head of time.  I hope we can take turns "leading".
  • Remember all this is strictly voluntary. ;) I refuse to put anyone on the spot.  You can share as much or as little as you like.
  • Last Wednesday of the month {hopefully} a fellowship get together like a picnic, etc...
*I feel silly saying this, I feel like it should go without saying however please remember things shared in the group should stay in the group.*

What to bring:
  • the Book {if you have it}
  • journal
  • a open, willing spirit 
I am working on putting together my Bible Study Basket ;) It will have extra Pens, journals, highlighters and the like :)

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

You Are Invited!

We will be getting together for a picnic. :) 
Wednesday, April 24th at NOON at Sullivan Park in Chittenango.
Please bring your own picnic lunch.
In case of rain or other bad weather we will move the location to Amy's house. 
Contact Amy LaForte for more information. :)

Please join us for this time of fellowship and our upcoming Bible Study. 
Invite a friend to join us as well.

We will begin our NEW study the following week May 1.
Our new study will be "Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God", by Sheila Walsh

The book can be purchased for $5 or less used on amazon or $14.50 NEW or $9.99 for the Kindle version.  I would encourage everyone to have their own book but it is not required.

We are planning to change things up a bit this time.  My hope is that we will all take part in leading.  That each week a different person will "lead", again I stress this will be completely voluntary.  I would never put anyone on the spot and would certainly not want to scare anyone away from the group!  However, I also feel this will help us all take more ownership and be more invested in our group.

Another new thing. I would like to encourage each of you to choose a prayer partner. Someone you feel comfortable with but yet will challenge you to grow. Someone to meet with each week. To pray with, encourage and share with. Could be someone else in our group. Or not, someone to mentor or be mentored by. Ask God to show you the right person for you.=)

This study is projected to be 6{ish} weeks.  The book is 12 chapters and this way we will finish up before summer hits.  =) That being said we are thinking of keeping the last Wednesday of the month as a fellowship/social time.  Even throughout the summer.  We would like to have at least one get together a month this summer, to check in, see how everyone is doing and generally enjoy one each others company.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beautiful Things

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We are on a little break. Two weeks ago we finished up our study of Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts.  We continue to count away.  Posting our gifts via either Facebook or our personal blogs. :) It has been a gift in and of itself reading the gifts the other girls have counted.

Deciding which path to take next has not been easy.  I have struggled {continue to struggle} with leading.  I feel so inadequate, I feel like I am trying to do everything and in actuality accomplishing nothing.

I have started reading Beautiful Things Happen When a Women Trusts God  by Sheila Walsh.  So far I am definitely intrigued.  I have felt God whispering to my soul as I read the pages.  I know too, that each of us in the group currently have trials, struggles, changes.  Things we need to lay at Jesus feet.  No matter how big or small.  Myself, I feel like I am coming to a crest in my path.  I am not sure what is on the other side.  Although I am somewhat trepidatious, I am also excited about the future God is leading me into.

So stand by.  We hopefully will be reconvening in a couple weeks.  We are talking of perhaps having a little kick off picnic to start off our spring.

If you are interested in joining us, contact me and I will be happy to let you know when and where we will be meeting. =)

 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19 NIV