This past Wednesday we finished up our Study on God Loves Broken people by Shelia Walsh. I don't have my book to write a complete entry. Magda lead the study this week as I had to duck out early to deliver cupcakes to my Birthday girl's Kindergarten class. :D But I was thankful to be able to be there for a time, as well as have a faithful friend volunteer to lead, instead of just saying "eh, let's just cancel this week."
So while I was not present for all of the discussion, I found it intriguing, and said so on my way out the door how the last chapter of this book was like the perfect segue into our next study.
The last chapter was on Communion. And used the Greek word, Eucharisteo. Which means to give thanks. This is the word Ann Voskamp uses over and over in her book. The basis for counting her first 1000 gifts. I love this book. I randomly came across it one day, the week before my 31st birthday and read that first teaser sample chapter online. I was shocked and delighted when my parents gave it to me for my birthday a few days later. Mom was just as surprised when I told her I had just been looking at the book online. I believe it was a God thing. That book sparked something. We have talked about Ann's book frequently in our Bible study group. Recently Ann came out with a devotional/journal companion to her book.
As a group we decided it would be the perfect thing to kick off next year on a journey of JOY. Incidentally, I personally have decided JOY is going to be my one word for 2013.
I am looking forward to our new study beginning just after New Year's. I hope you will join us on this journey, even if you can not attend our group in person. How many gifts can you count in 2013?
Next Wednesday we will meet at 10 am, at my house for our CHRISTMAS Party!! :) Contact me if you need details... we'd love to have some extra guests...