Monday, October 22, 2012

This I Know...

We had a small group last week.  Just Ellen and I gathered around my kitchen table.  But we had a wonderful time of sharing and prayer.  The chapter we covered in the book was the best yet in my humble opinion.  I apologize for my tardiness in posting. But here it is....

This WED (Oct 24) we will again be meeting at my place. 9:30 am.  Contact me if you have questions and/or are interested in joining in.

Chapter 6 What Can I Know For Sure?
Three Rock Solid Truths to Keep You Standing

What Can I know for sure?  maybe the most important question you have in your life right now.  Maybe you're questioning God's love for you or struggling  with some aspect of your faith.  Maybe you are in a place where you are waiting on God's ultimate answer to a prayer.  Maybe you just received news that has left you reeling.

  • Write out thoughts and complete each statement with a short paragraph....
I have to trust God right now because I'm uncertain that:

Though I'm unsure about my circumstances, I do know this is true:
 Sovereignty: The unlimited power of God; God's control over the affairs of nature and history; supreme ruler.

Scripture declares that God is working out His sovereign plan of redemtion, and the conlusion is certain: God wins.  Though we have fallen short and sinned against God, His plan for us overrides our brokenness.  His sovereignty is characterized by his justice and holiness.
Read the following scriptures in the sovereignty of God.
  1.  Write down what each passage means to you:
    Genesis 14:18-20 - God will deliver/save us from our enemies
    Exodus 6:2 - "I am the Lord", He is above us, yet reveals Himself to us
    Luke 2:29 - as you have promised
    Acts 4:24 - He made the Earth and the Heavens and everything in them
    Revelation 6:10 - Holy and true, judge of all the earth

    Nothing happens in this world that God doesn't know about, and so we know that whatever is a surprise to us is not a surprise to Him.  He is prepared for all situations, and nothing challenges His control.  As we break down what it means for God to be sovereign over good and evil, let's look at three of his divine attributes, also known as the three "omni" attributes.  Omni is Latin for "all".
  2. God is omnipotent (all-powerful)
    Mark 14:36- everything is possible for you
    Luke 1:37 - for nothing is impossible with God
    Because my God is all-powerful, I can be sure that____________________
  3. God is omniscient (all-knowing)
    1 John 3:20 - God is greater & knows everything
    John 21:17
    Isaiah 44:7-8 - who is like me?  There is none
  4. God is omnipresent (everywhere)
    Psalm 139:7-12 - you are there
    Jeremiah 23:23-24 - I fill the earth
  5. Which on of the three "omni's" means the most to you right now?

Isaiah 46:9-10

Remember the former things, those of long ago;
    I am God, and there is no other;
    I am God, and there is none like me.
10 I make known the end from the beginning,
    from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say: My purpose will stand,
    and I will do all that I please.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hide & Seek

One thing I love about our group is our ability to be real with one another.  The ability to bear our hearts.  Share our joys, our hearts, our triumphs, our sorrows, our struggles.  To lift one another, to encourage, to rejoice, to cry.

I am so thankful for this group of ladies.  To know that the prayers we shared aren't left behind.  But that we share each other's burdens.  That we carry them through the week continuing to lift our sisters to our Father. 

Our study today....

Chapter 5-- Hiding, Pretending, and Other Failed Escapes

"We all wear masks in one way or another.  It's our way of trying to fit in, to belong.  The more broken we feel inside, the more we feel compelled to hide our brokenness from others so that they don't laugh at us or reject us.  Over the last sixteen years I've spoken to more than four million women from the platform at Women of Faith.  I hear the same things over and over:"
-I don't like the way I look.
-I don't like that way I feel.
-I hate what I see in the mirror
-If people knew the real me, no one would want to know me.

  • Think about the various circles where you spend most of your time. What is a setting where you feel like you can be yourself and not wear any kind of mask?
  • What settings are you more prone to where a mask? Why?
Part of the challenge of our brokenness is to tain our hearts to hear God's love above the din of our shame.  (God Loves Broken People, p. 62) 
"As Christians living on this side of the cross, we still have an instinct to hide from God.  What sin have you tired to carry yourself, thinking it is too big for God?
Because of the saving work of Christ, we don't have to hide from God, but can  hide in God instead.  when we seek the Lord's presence we are safe.  Believing that your sin is too great for God to reconcile rejects the power of the cross."

  • Who is Jesus likened to in verse 14? Our High Priest
  • Verse 16 tells us we should come before the throne-  Boldly, with confidence
  • We learn in this passage that Jesus was tempted in all points as we are.  We must not infer that life was easy for Him.  Though He was without sin, how does this human experience make it easier to approach him?  He has been here, He knows what we are going through.  He has been tired, angry, hungry...
  • Read Hebrews 5:5  How does this verse show Jesus humility as God's appointed High Priest?  He did not ask to become High Priest, God is in charge, He appointed Jesus to that position.  A little further in verse 7 it states that he had reverent submission
  • What does Hebrews 7:24-25 tell us about Jesus' priesthood? It is permanent, eternal, He lives to intercede for us, able to save completely.
One thing that keeps us close to God is confession.  We don't have to hide our sins from Him-- He knows them all anyway.  WHen we seek His forgiveness and thank Him for it, it is easier to recieve His grace.
  • Write down one sin that you have tried to keep hidden, maybe even from yourself.  After  you have written it down, read again Hebrews 4:14-16.  Take time to thank Him for the mercy and grace that he freely gives today.
"You don't have to hide anymore.  You are loved as you are.  you needn't wear a mask; God sees you as you are.  you don't have to pretend to be okay: Christ is our righteousness, and we get to be human after all, to be real, to be loved, to be free. you don't have to deny the tturth: the Lord knows it all and offers you Christ."  (God Loves Broken People, p. 65)
This Week~ 
  • Remember to do your daily Devo time! :D
  • Look for your Gifts everyday
  • Bring something for the Shoebox next time!  Need some ideas?? Check here :D

Monday, October 8, 2012


Sorry I am so late in posting this.  We had a great study last Wednesday.  Next Wednesday I believe we will be at Magda's.

Chapter 4-- Relentless Questions
His Presence and Peace in Your Darkest Nights and Longest Battles

There are many times God declines to answer our why questions.  The most difficult ones have to do with human suffering:
Why did her child get healed and mine died?
Was it my fault?
Should I have
had more faith?
Why didn't you save my marriage?
What more could I have done?
Why didn't you stop me from playing the fool?
  • List one of your own why questions you've been asking God:
  • Why do you think God withholds answers sometimes? Isaiah 55:8-9
    “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
        neither are your ways my ways,”
    declares the Lord.
    “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
        so are my ways higher than your ways
        and my thoughts than your thoughts.
  • Reflect for a moment on your own suffering you have survivied has it brought you closer to God or farther away?
Read Matthew 8:5-13  Jesus Heals a Centurion Servant
  • What barriers could have kept the Roman soldier from approaching Jesus for help?
  • Jesus warned the Jews that their lack of faith in God could keep them from entering the kingdom.  We shouldn't over estimate faith-- somehow thinking that faith itsled is the source of God's goodness-- but acknowledge that faith is essentially a bedrock belief in God and what he can do.  Why do you think God despises our unbelief?
  • Read verse 13.  Why was the centurion's servant healed according to the text?
    He believed Jesus could heal him.
God is in Control.  He will never, ever leave us.

Read John 11:1-44
The story of Lazarus is one of the most remarkable stories we have, and John is the only gospel who records it. This is account shows the anguish and pain of two sisters who dearly loved their brother, Lazarus, and who also dearly loved Jesus.  They know Jesus was the only One to help their sick brother.  But when He waited four days too late, according to their worldly prospective the why began to consume them.  They knew he could have come earlier, could have healed him before he died.  Jesus also showed his compassion, as verse 35 says, "Jesus wept."
  • Why did Jesus wait, according to verse 4 and verse 40?
    For God's Glory
  • As you wait on God for an answer, anticipate how the wait might bring Him more Glory.  Write down your thoughts.
"It can be a very, very rough road.  But that sort of trip was never the original plan.  God laid for us a smooth and beautiful road, but the detour out of the garden of Eden-- across sun-seared deserts and over treacherous mountains, through raging rivers and finally up to a cross on a hill-- is neither smooth nor beautiful.  But it is the way way home.  Of that I remain utterly certain." (God Loves Broken People, pp 51)
"I believe that when we weep God catches every tear.
I believe that no pain is wasted, and that even out of the greatest tragedies, God has promised to bring good.
I believe that you have never lived an unloved moment in your life.
I believe that He has been there too.  You are not alone! You were not alone then, you are not alone now, and He will never, ever leave you.
Detours then to kick up a lot of dust.  Sometimes we can still see where we are going, while at other times the road seems to disappear-- but always, Christ remains in control." (God Loves Broken People, pp52)