This past Wednesday we finished up our Study on God Loves Broken people by Shelia Walsh. I don't have my book to write a complete entry. Magda lead the study this week as I had to duck out early to deliver cupcakes to my Birthday girl's Kindergarten class. :D But I was thankful to be able to be there for a time, as well as have a faithful friend volunteer to lead, instead of just saying "eh, let's just cancel this week."
So while I was not present for all of the discussion, I found it intriguing, and said so on my way out the door how the last chapter of this book was like the perfect segue into our next study.
The last chapter was on Communion. And used the Greek word, Eucharisteo. Which means to give thanks. This is the word Ann Voskamp uses over and over in her book. The basis for counting her first 1000 gifts. I love this book. I randomly came across it one day, the week before my 31st birthday and read that first teaser sample chapter online. I was shocked and delighted when my parents gave it to me for my birthday a few days later. Mom was just as surprised when I told her I had just been looking at the book online. I believe it was a God thing. That book sparked something. We have talked about Ann's book frequently in our Bible study group. Recently Ann came out with a devotional/journal companion to her book.
As a group we decided it would be the perfect thing to kick off next year on a journey of JOY. Incidentally, I personally have decided JOY is going to be my one word for 2013.
I am looking forward to our new study beginning just after New Year's. I hope you will join us on this journey, even if you can not attend our group in person. How many gifts can you count in 2013?
Next Wednesday we will meet at 10 am, at my house for our CHRISTMAS Party!! :) Contact me if you need details... we'd love to have some extra guests...
A Bible Study/ Fellowship group for women. Our purpose is to encourage one another and hold one another accountable.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
We had a great study today. :) I can't seem to say enough how thankful I am for the members of this little Bible study. I am thankful we can share our joys, our sorrows, our fears, our true hearts.
Today we covered Chapter 11...we are getting really close to the end of the book! It's time to start thinking about what we will start studying after Christmas. :) Bring any ideas you have next time. We will be meeting at Ellen's.
Today we talked about Paul.
"Perhaps through this study you have been able to be more open with yourself and God about your wounds, whether brought about through your own mistakes or through living in a fallen world. Our wounds can truly be a blessing in disguise."
Read Acts 9:1-19
Today we covered Chapter 11...we are getting really close to the end of the book! It's time to start thinking about what we will start studying after Christmas. :) Bring any ideas you have next time. We will be meeting at Ellen's.
Today we talked about Paul.
"Perhaps through this study you have been able to be more open with yourself and God about your wounds, whether brought about through your own mistakes or through living in a fallen world. Our wounds can truly be a blessing in disguise."
Read Acts 9:1-19
- How does the story open up in verses 1-2? What was Saul (later called Paul) doing?
- Clearly, we see that Saul felt confident with his ancestral faith. He didn't realize his own need for a Savior and was spiritually blind to the condidtion of his soul. Think back to a time when you were not aware of your spiritual depravity. How did God expose it to you?
- Review verses 4-7 After the light from heaven fell on Saul, what did Jesus say to him? How did Saul respond?
- Review verses 10-19. God had supplied the right Christians to be around Paul in his time of need. what was Ananias's first reaction in reaching out to Paul?
- God uses other believers to help us see our brokenness. We all need a safe place to heal and be vulnerable. When has God provided you the right friend at the right time to help you "see" better?
- Paul's conversion story illustrates our complete dependence on God. Even though Paul was deceived, God showed mercy and met him on the Damascus Road, shattering his spiritual blindness. Paul didn't deserve the miracle -- Jesus came to him anyway. Think about someone in your life who you know doesn't even realize she is broken, in need of Jesus. How can you be Ananias to her?(God loves Broken People, pp204, 205)Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galations 6:2 ESV
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”Matthew 11:28-30 The Message
Monday, November 26, 2012
Advent Devo Series
Hard to believe the Christmas season is upon us already! Looking for something to help you keep your focus on Jesus? I came across this devotional series on Pinterest. I was particularly happy to see that this weeks focus is HOPE. I feel like I could use a little hope this week. :)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Women of Grace Christmas Party
Come and celebrate Christmas with us. :)
We will be doing...
Wednesday December 19, 10 am
at Amy's
We will be doing...
.... a cookie exchange (Let me know by DEC 2, if you want to participate in the cookie exchange)
.... an ornament exchange (bring a wrapped ornament if you care to participate)
.... bring a snack to share
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Something Bigger
Chapter 10: Called to Something Bigger
"Our walk with God is Full of paradoxes. The worst day can end up being the best day. Sometimes darkness helps us see God's light all the more. God even used the darkest and foul places to reveal His truth and beauty."
- Think of a dark experience or place. How did God show up unexpectedly for you? Were you able to discern that He was there right away or after it was over?
Read Matthew 15:21-28 - How does Jesus respond to her request at first? How did the disciples respond?
- Though He was in Gentile territory and healed other gentiles why did Jesus make a point to tell her He came for the lost sheep of Israel?
- According to verse 25, what was this Gentile woman's reaction to Jesus response?
- Sometimes we compare our level of brokenness with others and convince ourselves, Well I can't reach out to this person; he is just too far gone to help. Jesus proves throughout Scripture that there is no darkness that he can not expel. No situation or place is void of His presence. How does the Canaanite women's faith clearly penetrate the darkness of her lineage?
"When Jesus speaks in verse 28, He speaks with great conviction and emotion: "women, you have great faith!" The text says her daughter was healed at that very hour. After this, Matthew reveals more and more miracles Jesus preforms for Gentiles. The blessings begin to clearly flow for both Jew and Gentile." - Pray and read. Read Ephesians 3:3-4 and write out what it means in your own words.
- Pray and study. Read 2 Timothy 2:15 and write out what it means in your own words.
- Pray and ransack. Read Proverbs 2:3-5 and write out what it means in your own words.
- Pray and think. Read 2 Timothy 2:7 and write out what it means in your own words.
"When we truly embrace the darkness that surrounds us, our own brokeness doesn't have to be something we are afraid of. God can handle it, and there is freedom wgen we let go of trying to compensate for what we lack. We need to exercise our faith in Him, not in us. Write down something in your life you know weighs down on you." - Close this study by writing out your prayer of faith. Take comfort in the fact you can start with "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief! (Mark 9:24 NKJV) End with words of belief that He is setting you free.
(God Loves Broken People, pp 202-203)
We will not meet next WED for Thanksgiving Break, we will meet the following wed (26th) at Amy's.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
We had a great study yesterday. Lots of sharing, encouraging and prayer. I am truly thankful for my wonderful friends that make up this little group.
We talked a bit about our church. About the struggle that can go on, on Sunday Mornings. How the devil loves to keep us from attending Church or even distracted enough that though we were there we leave feeling disconnected and empty. The latter has been me lately. I shared my struggles with the group yesterday. I love teaching the k-1 Sunday school class...and truly feel that it is my place. But I miss being part of a adult Sunday School class as well....yet am not sure where I fit anymore.
But as we studied yesterday it all come down to choices. We need to be in the Word, and seeking God's guidance in every aspect of our lives...not just the big ones. He longs to be apart of every moment of our days.
In our study we talked about Job. He was definitely a man with struggles, I can not even fathom the pain he must have endured. And yet he remained faithful to God...even though all others seemingly abandoned him.
Chapter 9 Nothing to Protect, Nothing to Lose
"Choice is something God gives us, and sometimes we do choose our own way, thinking it will keep us from suffering. But usually it means we miss out on a blessing God has for us.
"To state the purpose of the book of Job in one statement is difficult, as it is multifaceted. We see a look at reality that is much like our world; broken people responding to suffering; an honest man trying to submit to the will of God; the reality of Satan trying to discourage us and keep us from God's plan; and how humanity can clash with God's divine purposes. Job also illustrates that though we are often sinful, weak and ignorant, we can be upright and purely devoted to God in the midst of adversity."
Read Job 1
How is God using your brokenness to set you free?
God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives froth perfume. It is Peter weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever.
We talked a bit about our church. About the struggle that can go on, on Sunday Mornings. How the devil loves to keep us from attending Church or even distracted enough that though we were there we leave feeling disconnected and empty. The latter has been me lately. I shared my struggles with the group yesterday. I love teaching the k-1 Sunday school class...and truly feel that it is my place. But I miss being part of a adult Sunday School class as well....yet am not sure where I fit anymore.
But as we studied yesterday it all come down to choices. We need to be in the Word, and seeking God's guidance in every aspect of our lives...not just the big ones. He longs to be apart of every moment of our days.
In our study we talked about Job. He was definitely a man with struggles, I can not even fathom the pain he must have endured. And yet he remained faithful to God...even though all others seemingly abandoned him.
Chapter 9 Nothing to Protect, Nothing to Lose
"Choice is something God gives us, and sometimes we do choose our own way, thinking it will keep us from suffering. But usually it means we miss out on a blessing God has for us.
Think about a time you willfully chose to go your own way and later saw the missed blessing. How did this impact your relationship with God?"Read through the scriptures below that ask us to make a choice toward God's ways. Which one are you choosing to do today, though it maybe hard?
- Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
- Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15
- Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16
- Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23
- Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name. Hebrews 13:15
"To state the purpose of the book of Job in one statement is difficult, as it is multifaceted. We see a look at reality that is much like our world; broken people responding to suffering; an honest man trying to submit to the will of God; the reality of Satan trying to discourage us and keep us from God's plan; and how humanity can clash with God's divine purposes. Job also illustrates that though we are often sinful, weak and ignorant, we can be upright and purely devoted to God in the midst of adversity."
Read Job 1
- What do we learn about Job's life in verses 1-5?
- How do we know from verse 6 that God rules over all of evel?
- How does God describe Job to Satan (v. 8)?
- What losses does Job experience through the hand of Satan?
- How does Job respond to his troubles, according to verse 20?
- When we experience profound suffering, our natural tendency is to find someone to blame. Do you tend to blame yourself, others or God?
How is God using your brokenness to set you free?
God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives froth perfume. It is Peter weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever.
Streams in the Desert-- p 113
Next WED we will be at Magda's. :)
Friday, November 2, 2012
Holloween Grace
Isn't it funny that this chapter actually fell on Halloween! ;P
We met at Ellen's, three of us gathered. We spent a lot of time sharing, talking, praying. I am so thankful for my sisters in Christ. I am thankful for the time each week we can spend together in person. The time we lift each other in prayer. The txts we share through out the week. Knowing we are connected, when we are sturggling there is someone to pray, to lift us up. When we are happy; there is someone to rejoice with us!
This chapter was a little hard, definitely thought provoking; with lots of discussion
Chapter 8: Fierce Love and Halloween Grace
We met at Ellen's, three of us gathered. We spent a lot of time sharing, talking, praying. I am so thankful for my sisters in Christ. I am thankful for the time each week we can spend together in person. The time we lift each other in prayer. The txts we share through out the week. Knowing we are connected, when we are sturggling there is someone to pray, to lift us up. When we are happy; there is someone to rejoice with us!
This chapter was a little hard, definitely thought provoking; with lots of discussion
Chapter 8: Fierce Love and Halloween Grace
God's love is a topic that can not be exhausted. As we grown in our walk with Him, we will discover more and more how big and fierce his love is for us. And all of us experience His love in different ways because as broken people, we all need a different touch.Personally, I love how God reaches out and meets each of us where we are.
- Describe your understanding of God's love for you. Try and use words that communicate your personal experience, not just what you know from Scripture. It is almost as if there are no words. We all had a really had time describing God's Love in words. There are no adequate words. I love though how God always seems to give us exactly what we need. I have been struggling with worry for our finances and such. In my devo that day I saw the key verse for November was Philippians 4:19... And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. For me it was reassuring and confirmation that God was aware of where we are and what we need.
- What imagery come to mind when you think about the phrase "unconditional love" used to describe God's Love for us.
"I worry that by constantly using the phrase-- and seldom explaining what we mean by it-- we've robbed it of its orginial forse. People today tend to think that when they sin against the Lord, He'll respond, "It;s okay, don't worry about it. I'll love you anyway", when I think He really responds with something more like, "I'll love you forever, and that's why it's not okay." (pp. 92)
God's Love cannot be fully comprehended. His love often leaves us confused for a time. One for the hardest passages for believers and nonbelievers alike is the story of Abraham and Isaac.Read Genesis 22:1-14 - As you reflect on this passage, know that Abraham was also in the dark as he followed God to Mount Moriah. How does this passage leave you in the dark? It seems so cruel and heartless for God to tell him to sacrifice his son. His only son, that God had given him as a promise. Also today the act of child sacrifice is inconceivable to us.
- There are three strong imperatives from God in this story: "Take," "go" and "sacrifice him". In what ways did these words stretch Abraham beyond what he thought he could bear? Does God explain why? I think he must have been confused and sacred. And yet he follows God's direction the very next day and sets off on his journey with Isaac.
- What did Abraham learn about God's love through his trust in God? That God would provide and take care of him.
In the darkest hours of Abraham's life, he is able to say, "the Lord will provide" in a way he had never known before. - Abraham named the site of the alter, Yahweh-Yireh. What does it mean (see v 14)? The Lord will Provide
We have many examples in the Bible of broken people who endured profound suffering. Hebrews 11 is full of such people. As you read through the list, you maybe aware of their major mess ups and character flaws. Yet God used them in mighty ways to reveal His goodness....
Draw a "road" that God took you on where all you could do is trust. yours might have been more than a three-day trek like Abraham's; maybe you have been a few years on this unknown road. Mark it with symbols to show "the Lord provided" in ways you did not expect. What would you name the final destination?
Monday, October 22, 2012
This I Know...
We had a small group last week. Just Ellen and I gathered around my kitchen table. But we had a wonderful time of sharing and prayer. The chapter we covered in the book was the best yet in my humble opinion. I apologize for my tardiness in posting. But here it is....
This WED (Oct 24) we will again be meeting at my place. 9:30 am. Contact me if you have questions and/or are interested in joining in.
Chapter 6 What Can I Know For Sure?
Three Rock Solid Truths to Keep You Standing
What Can I know for sure? maybe the most important question you have in your life right now. Maybe you're questioning God's love for you or struggling with some aspect of your faith. Maybe you are in a place where you are waiting on God's ultimate answer to a prayer. Maybe you just received news that has left you reeling.
Scripture declares that God is working out His sovereign plan of redemtion, and the conlusion is certain: God wins. Though we have fallen short and sinned against God, His plan for us overrides our brokenness. His sovereignty is characterized by his justice and holiness.
This WED (Oct 24) we will again be meeting at my place. 9:30 am. Contact me if you have questions and/or are interested in joining in.
Chapter 6 What Can I Know For Sure?
Three Rock Solid Truths to Keep You Standing
What Can I know for sure? maybe the most important question you have in your life right now. Maybe you're questioning God's love for you or struggling with some aspect of your faith. Maybe you are in a place where you are waiting on God's ultimate answer to a prayer. Maybe you just received news that has left you reeling.
- Write out thoughts and complete each statement with a short paragraph....
I have to trust God right now because I'm uncertain that:
Though I'm unsure about my circumstances, I do know this is true:
Sovereignty: The unlimited power of God; God's control over the affairs of nature and history; supreme ruler.
Scripture declares that God is working out His sovereign plan of redemtion, and the conlusion is certain: God wins. Though we have fallen short and sinned against God, His plan for us overrides our brokenness. His sovereignty is characterized by his justice and holiness.
Read the following scriptures in the sovereignty of God.
- Write down what each passage means to you:
Genesis 14:18-20 - God will deliver/save us from our enemies
Exodus 6:2 - "I am the Lord", He is above us, yet reveals Himself to us
Luke 2:29 - as you have promised
Acts 4:24 - He made the Earth and the Heavens and everything in them
Revelation 6:10 - Holy and true, judge of all the earth
Nothing happens in this world that God doesn't know about, and so we know that whatever is a surprise to us is not a surprise to Him. He is prepared for all situations, and nothing challenges His control. As we break down what it means for God to be sovereign over good and evil, let's look at three of his divine attributes, also known as the three "omni" attributes. Omni is Latin for "all". - God is omnipotent (all-powerful)
Mark 14:36- everything is possible for you
Luke 1:37 - for nothing is impossible with God
Because my God is all-powerful, I can be sure that____________________ - God is omniscient (all-knowing)
1 John 3:20 - God is greater & knows everything
John 21:17
Isaiah 44:7-8 - who is like me? There is none - God is omnipresent (everywhere)
Psalm 139:7-12 - you are there
Jeremiah 23:23-24 - I fill the earth - Which on of the three "omni's" means the most to you right now?
Isaiah 46:9-10
9 Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.
10 I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say: My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.
10 I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say: My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Hide & Seek
One thing I love about our group is our ability to be real with one another. The ability to bear our hearts. Share our joys, our hearts, our triumphs, our sorrows, our struggles. To lift one another, to encourage, to rejoice, to cry.
I am so thankful for this group of ladies. To know that the prayers we shared aren't left behind. But that we share each other's burdens. That we carry them through the week continuing to lift our sisters to our Father.
Our study today....
Chapter 5-- Hiding, Pretending, and Other Failed Escapes
"We all wear masks in one way or another. It's our way of trying to fit in, to belong. The more broken we feel inside, the more we feel compelled to hide our brokenness from others so that they don't laugh at us or reject us. Over the last sixteen years I've spoken to more than four million women from the platform at Women of Faith. I hear the same things over and over:"
I am so thankful for this group of ladies. To know that the prayers we shared aren't left behind. But that we share each other's burdens. That we carry them through the week continuing to lift our sisters to our Father.
Our study today....
Chapter 5-- Hiding, Pretending, and Other Failed Escapes
"We all wear masks in one way or another. It's our way of trying to fit in, to belong. The more broken we feel inside, the more we feel compelled to hide our brokenness from others so that they don't laugh at us or reject us. Over the last sixteen years I've spoken to more than four million women from the platform at Women of Faith. I hear the same things over and over:"
-I don't like the way I look.
-I don't like that way I feel.
-I hate what I see in the mirror
-If people knew the real me, no one would want to know me.
- Think about the various circles where you spend most of your time. What is a setting where you feel like you can be yourself and not wear any kind of mask?
- What settings are you more prone to where a mask? Why?
Part of the challenge of our brokenness is to tain our hearts to hear God's love above the din of our shame. (God Loves Broken People, p. 62)
"As Christians living on this side of the cross, we still have an instinct to hide from God. What sin have you tired to carry yourself, thinking it is too big for God?
Because of the saving work of Christ, we don't have to hide from God, but can hide in God instead. when we seek the Lord's presence we are safe. Believing that your sin is too great for God to reconcile rejects the power of the cross."
Because of the saving work of Christ, we don't have to hide from God, but can hide in God instead. when we seek the Lord's presence we are safe. Believing that your sin is too great for God to reconcile rejects the power of the cross."
Read Hebrews 4:14-16
- Who is Jesus likened to in verse 14? Our High Priest
- Verse 16 tells us we should come before the throne- Boldly, with confidence
- We learn in this passage that Jesus was tempted in all points as we are. We must not infer that life was easy for Him. Though He was without sin, how does this human experience make it easier to approach him? He has been here, He knows what we are going through. He has been tired, angry, hungry...
- Read Hebrews 5:5 How does this verse show Jesus humility as God's appointed High Priest? He did not ask to become High Priest, God is in charge, He appointed Jesus to that position. A little further in verse 7 it states that he had reverent submission
- What does Hebrews 7:24-25 tell us about Jesus' priesthood? It is permanent, eternal, He lives to intercede for us, able to save completely.
- Write down one sin that you have tried to keep hidden, maybe even from yourself. After you have written it down, read again Hebrews 4:14-16. Take time to thank Him for the mercy and grace that he freely gives today.
"You don't have to hide anymore. You are loved as you are. you needn't wear a mask; God sees you as you are. you don't have to pretend to be okay: Christ is our righteousness, and we get to be human after all, to be real, to be loved, to be free. you don't have to deny the tturth: the Lord knows it all and offers you Christ." (God Loves Broken People, p. 65)
This Week~
- Remember to do your daily Devo time! :D
- Look for your Gifts everyday
- Bring something for the Shoebox next time! Need some ideas?? Check here :D
Monday, October 8, 2012
Sorry I am so late in posting this. We had a great study last Wednesday. Next Wednesday I believe we will be at Magda's.
Chapter 4-- Relentless Questions
His Presence and Peace in Your Darkest Nights and Longest Battles
There are many times God declines to answer our why questions. The most difficult ones have to do with human suffering:
Read John 11:1-44
Chapter 4-- Relentless Questions
His Presence and Peace in Your Darkest Nights and Longest Battles
There are many times God declines to answer our why questions. The most difficult ones have to do with human suffering:
Why did her child get healed and mine died?
Was it my fault?
Should I have had more faith?
Why didn't you save my marriage?
What more could I have done?
Why didn't you stop me from playing the fool?
- List one of your own why questions you've been asking God:
- Why do you think God withholds answers sometimes? Isaiah 55:8-9
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. - Reflect for a moment on your own suffering you have survivied has it brought you closer to God or farther away?
- What barriers could have kept the Roman soldier from approaching Jesus for help?
- Jesus warned the Jews that their lack of faith in God could keep them from entering the kingdom. We shouldn't over estimate faith-- somehow thinking that faith itsled is the source of God's goodness-- but acknowledge that faith is essentially a bedrock belief in God and what he can do. Why do you think God despises our unbelief?
- Read verse 13. Why was the centurion's servant healed according to the text?
He believed Jesus could heal him.
Read John 11:1-44
The story of Lazarus is one of the most remarkable stories we have, and John is the only gospel who records it. This is account shows the anguish and pain of two sisters who dearly loved their brother, Lazarus, and who also dearly loved Jesus. They know Jesus was the only One to help their sick brother. But when He waited four days too late, according to their worldly prospective the why began to consume them. They knew he could have come earlier, could have healed him before he died. Jesus also showed his compassion, as verse 35 says, "Jesus wept."
- Why did Jesus wait, according to verse 4 and verse 40?
For God's Glory - As you wait on God for an answer, anticipate how the wait might bring Him more Glory. Write down your thoughts.
"It can be a very, very rough road. But that sort of trip was never the original plan. God laid for us a smooth and beautiful road, but the detour out of the garden of Eden-- across sun-seared deserts and over treacherous mountains, through raging rivers and finally up to a cross on a hill-- is neither smooth nor beautiful. But it is the way way home. Of that I remain utterly certain." (God Loves Broken People, pp 51)
"I believe that when we weep God catches every tear.
I believe that no pain is wasted, and that even out of the greatest tragedies, God has promised to bring good.
I believe that you have never lived an unloved moment in your life.
I believe that He has been there too. You are not alone! You were not alone then, you are not alone now, and He will never, ever leave you.
Detours then to kick up a lot of dust. Sometimes we can still see where we are going, while at other times the road seems to disappear-- but always, Christ remains in control." (God Loves Broken People, pp52)
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Chapter 3
First off I want to invite any potential Women of Grace out there who are interested to come hang out and fellowship with us Saturday night! Get a hold of me if you need details. We would love to have you even if you can't make it to our regular Bible Study.
It was exciting to see many praises in response to our prayer requests from group last week! It is so cool when you can see God working and give testimony. :D
Our study this week talked about Shame.
It is easy to blame ourselves when life leaves us disappointed.
Before the Fall, Adam and Even didn't have any concept of shame. Their sin caused them to loose their innocence.
We hope to see you at DD on Saturday Evening :D
PS What's you best Gift from this week...
It was exciting to see many praises in response to our prayer requests from group last week! It is so cool when you can see God working and give testimony. :D
Our study this week talked about Shame.
It is easy to blame ourselves when life leaves us disappointed.
- It's important to know ourselves enough to know if shame is keeping us from God. Pray for God to reveal to you any shame that is keeping you from His love. Write whatever comes to mind.
Before the Fall, Adam and Even didn't have any concept of shame. Their sin caused them to loose their innocence.
- Compare Genesis 2:25 and Genesis 3:10.
Gennsis 2:25- they were naked and felt no shame
Genesis 3:10- they hid because they were afraid - In Genesis 3:11, God asks Adam why he eats from the tree. Adam blamed Eve for giving him the fruit. And God because He gave him Eve.
- What blessings did Adam and Eve walk in before they knew shame? They had everything, God walked with them in the garden everyday. They had a perfect relationship with him.
- Who did God curse first? What curses followed? The serpent, then Eve, then Adam.
Adam and Eve on trial: Here we are confronted with how holy God is. Before God pronounces His judgement on Adam and Eve, He asks them a series of questions. The word naked appears repeatedly to communicate the shame they felt that wen far beyond what they felt in front of each other, God didn't leave them in their shamed naked state. God sacrificed life, the blood of animals, to cover them. Even here we see the provision He made for His children to cover their sin., a foreshadowing of the blood He would shed on the cross. (God Loves Broken People, pp 178)
- Read the following verses-
They all reiterate anyone who hopes/trusts in Him, will never be put to shame.
- "It seems that in a world mortally wounded and disobedience and fatally infected with the disease of sin, shame has a role to play in god's redemptive purposes. God intends to use even shame to bring us to Himself, where we can live free of shame forever. " (God Loves Broken People, pp 30).
- Say the right things to yourself.
- Feill your mind with the truth of God's Word.
- Surround yourself with loving, godly people.
- Today I will tell myself the truth and say:________________________________
- I will meditate on the following scripture:________________________________
- I will seek out ____________ this week because I know this person encourages me in my faith.
We hope to see you at DD on Saturday Evening :D
PS What's you best Gift from this week...
Thursday, September 20, 2012
baa baa black sheep
Not quite doubled but we were up from 3 to 5. We had a blessed meeting yesterday round Jessica's kitchen table.
It was with a heavy and weary heart that I drove yesterday. I was so not in the mood for Bible Study. Frustration and cares of the world weighing me down. As I turned onto her street the heavens opened and then rains poured down! Isn't that fitting, I thought snidely. It would start pouring as soon as I got there. Hearing me arrive Jess had the door flung wide by the time I trudged there. Stepping into her cheerful living room I felt my weariness melting away.... I smiled and joked about seeing the dark skies over her house as I drove. But inside I could certainly see the light that comes from gathering in Christ's presence.
Soon our gathered coffee in hand around the table, sharing our hearts. Each it seemed had a burden. Lifting each other with encouragement and then in prayer. I love these girls and our little group so much. <3
I shared this blog entry about balance, from The Better Mom site. I just got in my inbox just before I headed out for study. Seemed appropriate! Pop on over and check it out. :)
On to our study...Chapter two... Bummer Lambs and Black Sheep
Next week Magda's :) And we have our shoe box and will collecting goodies for as many boxes as we can fill between now and November for Operation Christmas Child.
And so far at least three of our number are taking part in the CROP walk. :) Join us in walking or donate to the cause here.
It was with a heavy and weary heart that I drove yesterday. I was so not in the mood for Bible Study. Frustration and cares of the world weighing me down. As I turned onto her street the heavens opened and then rains poured down! Isn't that fitting, I thought snidely. It would start pouring as soon as I got there. Hearing me arrive Jess had the door flung wide by the time I trudged there. Stepping into her cheerful living room I felt my weariness melting away.... I smiled and joked about seeing the dark skies over her house as I drove. But inside I could certainly see the light that comes from gathering in Christ's presence.
Soon our gathered coffee in hand around the table, sharing our hearts. Each it seemed had a burden. Lifting each other with encouragement and then in prayer. I love these girls and our little group so much. <3
I shared this blog entry about balance, from The Better Mom site. I just got in my inbox just before I headed out for study. Seemed appropriate! Pop on over and check it out. :)
On to our study...Chapter two... Bummer Lambs and Black Sheep
This just maybe one of my favorite chapters in the whole book. In case you are not familiar with the term, a bummer lamb is a lamb that has been rejected by the mother. Like in the case when a sheep has multiple offspring and can not produce enough milk. The ewe will choose to feed some and reject others. In the spiritual sense, we are all bummer lambs.
Then there are black sheep, the ones who choose to walk away from the Good Shepard. Maybe you have recently chosen to go your own way; you are tired of waiting on God. Rebellion has taken a grip on your heart, and you can't seem to find your way back because your aren't sure if you deserve His grace. (pp 173)
- Do you identify most with the bummer lamb or the black sheep?
Just as sll of us qualify in some ways as bummer lambs, so all of us qualify in all ways as what we call black sheep. But your sin-- no matter how dark a stain you think it has left-- can never keep you apart from God. Only your stubborn will can do that. (pp 19 emphasis added)
He brought me out into a spacious place;
he rescued me because he delighted in me.
he rescued me because he delighted in me.
Psalm 18:19 NIV
- Write down the benefits if bring a bummer lamb shared in the chapter.
Read John 10:1-21"All to often , these needy vulnerable, precious lambs simply die. Their little spirits break and they give up the will to live. The ones who do survive--- the ones who find the strength to overcome their mothers rejection-- are the ones who get taken in and cared for by the shepherd.
......bummer labs are in fact the most blessed of all the sheep in the pasture because they are the most personally and intimately cared for by the shepherd. They develop a kind of relationship with the shepherd that the other sheep can't even dream of. they experience a love that far surpasses anything the pasture and sometimes fickle ewe have to offer.
When a shepherd calls to the flock, guess who run to him first? (pp 15)
- Write our some of the roles of the shepherd mentioned in the txt.
- he calls them by name
- he loves and cares for them all
- he acts as the gate
- Why is trust in the Good Shepherd for the bummer labs and black sheep essential?
We have to trust that Jesus can and will see us through to the other side. Certianly sometimes the shepherd has to take the sheep though some scary places in order to get to the good things on the other side. - Name some tangible blocks in your mind, heart and personal history that keep you from trusting fully that Jesus can carry you to safe pastures.
- cares of the world
- pride
The more time we spend with our Good Shepherd, the more we will hear His voice that says, "I love you as you are and you belong to Me."
Next week Magda's :) And we have our shoe box and will collecting goodies for as many boxes as we can fill between now and November for Operation Christmas Child.
And so far at least three of our number are taking part in the CROP walk. :) Join us in walking or donate to the cause here.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Not waving...
Today was our first Bible Study. We started small, three of us gathered in my kitchen. :) It was a good time of fellowship and sharing but I am really hoping next week perhaps we can double in size! :D
We talked about presceptive. How our attitude can color the way we view situations. How sometimes we need to take a step back and readjust.
I shared my devo from "Jesus Calling" --
We also discussed Operation Christmas Child. We decided to pack two boxes (minimum) one for a girl and one for a boy. I will have a box next meeting and we will continue collecting until its time to send them off. :)
Now on with the Study....
Chapter One is entitled I'm not Waving; I'm Drowning.
The plan right now is to meet every WED (except the WED before Thanksgiving). This will put our last Study on December 12th. We will then have our Christmas Party on Dec 19. And then a break for Christmas and possibly the month January. We are also hoping to have a fall family outing to an apple and or pumpkin patch followed by a chili get together. More details on that to come as well as a Mom's Nite our to DD sometime SOON!!
We talked about presceptive. How our attitude can color the way we view situations. How sometimes we need to take a step back and readjust.
I shared my devo from "Jesus Calling" --
Rejoice in Me always! No matter what is going on, you can rejoice in your Love-relationship with Me. This is the secret of being content in all circumstances. So many people dream of the day when they will finally be happy: when they are out of debt, when their children are out of trouble, when they have more leisure time, and so on. While they daydream, their moments are trickling into the ground like precious balm spilling from overturned bottles.
Fantasizing about future happiness will never bring fulfillment, because fantasy is unreality. Even though I am invisible, I am far more Real than the world you see around you. My reality is eternal and unchanging. Bring your moments to Me, and I will fill then with vibrant Joy. Now is the time to rejoice in My Presence! (Jesus Calling, pp266)
We also discussed Operation Christmas Child. We decided to pack two boxes (minimum) one for a girl and one for a boy. I will have a box next meeting and we will continue collecting until its time to send them off. :)
Now on with the Study....
Chapter One is entitled I'm not Waving; I'm Drowning.
- Define in your own words what it means to be broken. Shattered. Helpless. Feeling like I am falling apart.
- Sheila quotes Stevie Smith's poem, "I was much too far out all my life/ And not waving but drowning." {The poem talks about a man thrashing about in the surf fighting for his life. But is unable to gain help from people on shore. Some of them even waved back thinking he was merely waving} What is your own drowning experience. How did you survive?
- Some brokenness stems from sin in our lives
- What do the following verse say about sin and how God's people respond?
- Isaiah 6:5-- Woe to me
- Psalm 51:1-9-- praying for deliverance
- Luke 5:8-- go away from me Lord
These verses certainly show how detestable sin is to God. How it can be uncomfortable to be around God when we are lost in sin. I like how the Psalms passage also offers a ray of Hope...Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean, wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. (Ps 51:7-8)
"I have often found anger more comfortable than fear. Anger gives me the illusions of control, while fear leaves me naked and exposed." (God Loves Broken People; pp 2)
- When we are faced with conflict, it is easy for our sin nature to react. We tend to go where our comfort zone is, whether that is to respond in anger or to retreat in self-pity. What does your "sin comfort zone" look like?
- Read Psalm 88. Personalize each paragraph to reflect your prayer and confession to God.
- Though this Psalm ends in lamnet, how does it show faith in God.
" Isaiah gives us a second hook on which to hang our hats. Not only do we rest on the solid rock of the Word of God, but we are called to open our eyes and see what God is doing in us and preparing for us right now! God speaks through the prophet to tell us," (God Loves Broken People; pp 12)Shelia goes to talk about how we sometimes spend our life looking in the rearview mirror so to speak. But who can drive starring in the review mirror. We must keep our focus on the road ahead of us.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way is the desert
and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19)
{This is a personal favorite of mine. And one I committed to memory when I was going through my own "drowning" experience. It was one I had to say over and over and over again.}
"God says to you and me, "It's time for something new in your life. I open up new roads to you. I want to fill the desert of your soul with living water and satisfy your thirst with heaven's swift, cool brooks. Don't dwell on the past, and refuse to camp in the tragedies of your history or family background. Leave it all behind! And then come with Me, for I have something brand-new in mind for you.I am looking forward to next week. :) I encourage everyone to bring something from their devo this coming week to share, as well as some "gifts" you experienced this week....and perhaps a little something for our shoebox child. ;) Next Wednesday we will be at Jessica's, 9:30 am :D Talk to me or Jess if you have questions or need directions. I look forward to see you and am praying for you this week!
So with one hand firmly gripping the Word of God, and the other hand reaching for the fresh future God is busily at work preparing for us, let us walk together on this journey into God's best. It maybe hard, but it will be worth it. (God Loves Broken People; pp 13)
The plan right now is to meet every WED (except the WED before Thanksgiving). This will put our last Study on December 12th. We will then have our Christmas Party on Dec 19. And then a break for Christmas and possibly the month January. We are also hoping to have a fall family outing to an apple and or pumpkin patch followed by a chili get together. More details on that to come as well as a Mom's Nite our to DD sometime SOON!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tomorrow is our first official meeting of Women of Grace! I am very excited. I have missed our Bible Study this summer and ready to get back at it.
The first meeting will be at my house. Rumor has it next week Jess will be hosting. :)
We have some lovely journals and pens ready to aid us on our new journey together.
I am planning to make these babies for a little snack...
Com'on over and join us!
The first meeting will be at my house. Rumor has it next week Jess will be hosting. :)
We have some lovely journals and pens ready to aid us on our new journey together.
I am planning to make these babies for a little snack...
Com'on over and join us!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Operation Christmas Child
I think as a Bible Study group we should make at least one box together.
I have been following Operation Christmas Child on pinterest and keep seeing all kinds of cool little ideas that keep me excited. I am hoping to also do a box with my Sunday School Class....
Last fall I also was able to put a personal face on the shoeboxes when one of my best friends (who grew up in Romania) told me she recieved the boxes as a child.
I don't have a American standards. And sometimes get frustrated feeling like we are bearly scraping by. But truthfully we are so very blessed. Even if it seems small to me, it maybe huge to somebody else... this Christmas time I want to share a little light...even small lights shine brightly in the dark...
I have been following Operation Christmas Child on pinterest and keep seeing all kinds of cool little ideas that keep me excited. I am hoping to also do a box with my Sunday School Class....
Last fall I also was able to put a personal face on the shoeboxes when one of my best friends (who grew up in Romania) told me she recieved the boxes as a child.
I don't have a American standards. And sometimes get frustrated feeling like we are bearly scraping by. But truthfully we are so very blessed. Even if it seems small to me, it maybe huge to somebody else... this Christmas time I want to share a little light...even small lights shine brightly in the dark...
Our first Women of Grace study will be
Wednesday Sept 12, 9:30 am
@ Amy's House
We will be beginning
God Loves Broken People (& those who pretend they're not)
by Shelia Walsh
Thursday, August 9, 2012
New Study
The summer is just flying by...
We had a great picnic on Wednesday. We were able to relax under the nice shady trees in my lovely backyard. This was my first opportunity to host such an event and very much enjoyed doing so. I am so happy we even had a new friend join us. It is always great together and share and chat and just be friends.
We talked a bit about our new Study on Wednesday. We are going to be doing God Loves Broken People by Shelia Walsh. We will be starting either the first or second week of September. I am thinking about the 5th since it is the first day of school and I know I will be needing a distraction as my baby heads off to Kindergarten! {sniff, sniff}.
The book is not required. It would be helpful if you want to read the book in its entirety. But we will be reading snippets of it at study, as well as a lot of Bible.
I just checked online and at CBD as well as Amazon.
We had a great picnic on Wednesday. We were able to relax under the nice shady trees in my lovely backyard. This was my first opportunity to host such an event and very much enjoyed doing so. I am so happy we even had a new friend join us. It is always great together and share and chat and just be friends.
We talked a bit about our new Study on Wednesday. We are going to be doing God Loves Broken People by Shelia Walsh. We will be starting either the first or second week of September. I am thinking about the 5th since it is the first day of school and I know I will be needing a distraction as my baby heads off to Kindergarten! {sniff, sniff}.
The book is not required. It would be helpful if you want to read the book in its entirety. But we will be reading snippets of it at study, as well as a lot of Bible.
I just checked online and at CBD as well as Amazon.
- at CBD the book is $13.99
- at Amazon it is $14.13 for the hardcover or $9.99 for the Kindle version :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Summer Picnic
When: Wednesday, Aug 8 -- 11 am
Place: Amy LaForte’s Home
**bring a dish to share**
Hotdogs will be provided.
For more information see
Planning to have the slip n slide going for the kiddies assuming the weather is cooperative.
This is an informal get together, you do NOT have to be a part of the Bible Study or Church to attend. We would love to have some new ladies join us. Just a time to get together and fellowship and enjoy one another's company.
Our New Bible Study will be beginning the beginning of September. Stay tuned for further info. :D
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Welcome, welcome!
We are so excited about our new group starting up offically in the fall. We have some great new ideas. One of which is this blog to reach out and encourage each other.
Through the summer we hope to have lots of fun fellowship time with each other and our little and not-so little ones....
We hope to share insight from our study here when it starts up, and especially the things God is teaching us.
One thing we are particularly working on is looking for the Gifts of God all around us. I have been working on Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare this year. Its wonderful to look around and see the gifts that are indeed all around us. God is good indeed.
What are you thankful for right now?
Through the summer we hope to have lots of fun fellowship time with each other and our little and not-so little ones....
We hope to share insight from our study here when it starts up, and especially the things God is teaching us.
One thing we are particularly working on is looking for the Gifts of God all around us. I have been working on Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare this year. Its wonderful to look around and see the gifts that are indeed all around us. God is good indeed.
What are you thankful for right now?
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